This may be a bit silly, but I want those green dots on my github account.
I was getting them, and then they stopped showing up even though I was furiously making all sorts of contributions. What could have been the problem?
I DID notice that they were coming back when I was working on my home computer instead of my laptop. That should have alerted me to the fact that something went awry on my laptop... but I was too busy to take notice.
NEXT after reading every so often online one thing that kept on coming up was something about my email account being the some as the one registered on GitHub.
Now, earlier this week I realized what my problem was after upgrading my shell to zsh (a blog coming up on that at some point)... my .gitconfig file was pointing to the wrong email address!!
In the terminal I typed: subl ~/.gitconfig (opened that file in sublime)
First lines were:
name = tmehta2442
email =
wait what? I had the following address in GitHub:
Simply fixing that line to:
name = tmehta2442
email =
Ahhh... manymany green dots now :)
I was getting them, and then they stopped showing up even though I was furiously making all sorts of contributions. What could have been the problem?
I DID notice that they were coming back when I was working on my home computer instead of my laptop. That should have alerted me to the fact that something went awry on my laptop... but I was too busy to take notice.
NEXT after reading every so often online one thing that kept on coming up was something about my email account being the some as the one registered on GitHub.
Now, earlier this week I realized what my problem was after upgrading my shell to zsh (a blog coming up on that at some point)... my .gitconfig file was pointing to the wrong email address!!
In the terminal I typed: subl ~/.gitconfig (opened that file in sublime)
First lines were:
name = tmehta2442
email =
wait what? I had the following address in GitHub:
Simply fixing that line to:
name = tmehta2442
email =
Ahhh... manymany green dots now :)
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