Been awhile again haha... but had an itch to build something again with Rails!
Have an interesting idea: Sharing Airplanes
Why planes? Well, I've started to work towards getting my Private Pilot's License and at a cost of $150/hr for a Cessna 172s, some back of the napkin math told me that sharing ownership of a plane would be financially beneficial. Not to mention, the money made from renting it would be a nice bonus.
After checking at my local club, Aspen Flying Club (Denver... but I'll be moving back to NYC later this month) I was surprised to learn that this really only happens by someone posting a flying on a board.
If this is not screaming for a tech solution, I dont know what is!
My initial search showed that there is one company out there doing this, but I wonder if maybe I can do better?
At the very least, this will satiate my Rails needs.
Getting Rails Up and Running
Why rails?
TBH- having a full stack ready to go without having all the nonsense of a JS stack is nice haha.
Installing/Updating Stuffs
Thank Zeus for!!!
Noticed my Ruby was out of date, updated via Homebrew... and in my .zhrc added
if [ -d "/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin" ]; then
export PATH=/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH
export PATH=`gem environment gemdir`/bin:$PATH
Also needed to update my sqlite3
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/sqlite/bin:$PATH"
And after gem install rails
➜ ~ rails --version
Now to re-familiarizing with Rails with their blog demo... this make take a few days :)
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